Community Leadership Retreat

The Melbourne Regional Chamber will hold its annual Community Leadership Retreat Sept. 12-14, 2024, bringing together more than 125 local business leaders from for-profit and nonprofit businesses, as well as elected officials, to address the Space Coast’s greatest strengths and challenges. 2024 SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE Please contact ​ EVENT QUESTIONS Please contact Click Here to [...]

2024-11-26T11:19:18-05:00June 15, 2021|


Ambassadors act as liaisons among new partners, the chamber and the business community. They welcome our partners and help them navigate the ins and outs of the chamber programs and events so they can take advantage of all the benefits chamber partnership has to offer. If you are a current chamber partner and are interested in becoming an ambassador, please contact Nisha Westerman. [...]

2024-10-18T12:51:48-04:00April 12, 2021|

Executive Board & Board of Directors

The Melbourne Regional Chamber is led by an Executive Leadership Team of professional staff as well as some of the area’s foremost business leaders who serve as an Executive Committee of Officers.  The Executive Committee includes the Board Chair, Immediate Past Board Chair, Board Chair Elect, and a number of Vice-Chairs (other Council & Committee Chamber leaders), as well as President & CEO of the [...]

2025-01-07T15:10:07-05:00April 12, 2021|


CHAMBER COMMITTEES The Melbourne Regional Chamber Board of Directors establishes or dismantles committees of chamber partners based on the board’s perceived needs coupled with the goals of the board. Committees focus on particular areas of chamber oversight.  Committees do not have authority in and of themselves. Their purpose is to research, brainstorm, monitor, debate, and present ideas and solutions to the board for [...]

2022-03-22T09:16:25-04:00April 12, 2021|


WHERE DO YOU FIT IN? Councils are sub-groups of partners of the chamber, formed within the chamber, that focus on a particular niche of partnership. When these niche groups grow, the chamber creates a council (by directive of the Board of Directors). As the council shrinks in partners, as they do from time to time, the board disbands the council. Partnership in some councils [...]

2024-11-22T13:50:00-05:00April 12, 2021|

MRC Team

For nearly 100 years, the Melbourne Chamber has remained a trusted and valued partner to Brevard businesses by adopting a commitment to growth and continuous improvement. Today’s chamber leadership team embraces this responsibility with a passion, recruiting the best and brightest staff, Executive Board and Board of Directors. The Leadership Team Executive Board & [...]

2024-12-12T15:38:02-05:00April 12, 2021|
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